Platformer is informed that Twitter is considering personalized ads as a solution to make its Blue service profitable. Yet, the news needs to be confirmed by Musk or any other source within the company. Still, Musk has shown he is willing to do anything to keep the company profitable, including selling fancy office chairs and kitchen appliances. After weeks of back and forth, Twitter finally rolled out the new version of its Blue subscription service that costs $8 per month for web users and $11 for iOS users. The first version was taken down shortly after some users impersonated companies and caused their stocks to crash. The new Blue subscription, however, needs phone number verification to prevent such incidents.

Twitter users should opt in to personalized ads

The problem with the Twitter Blue subscription is it costs the company about $6 in ad revenue per user monthly. The company has also confirmed that Blue users will “soon” see fewer ads, and Musk talks about an ad-free version of Twitter Blue that would be “higher-tier.” Speaking of an ad-free Twitter coincides with the company’s efforts to keep advertisers on the app by offering generous incentives to them. Of course, it could be a justified act because Twitter still makes a little money from Blue subscribers, and advertising accounts for over 85% of revenues. The Twitter takeover has brought a lot of distraction to Elon Musk. He is no longer the richest man on the planet and was replaced by Bernard Arnault, co-founder and CEO of LVMH. Additionally, Musk’s cost-cutting campaign and forcing employees to do hardcore work is causing dissatisfaction among employees. We should still wait and see whether Musk’s plans for Twitter are working.