Other platforms like Twitter and Instagram give you the ability to refer to people by their user handles. This is the “@” sign followed by a customized name unique to the user. This makes tagging people in comments and posts very easy.

Now, YouTube is going to bring in account handles

Well, better late than never, huh? YouTube is going to roll out account handles for its users starting this week. With account handles, you will be able to tag people in comments, video titles, video descriptions, and more. This means that if you see a video that you really love, and you think your friend would love it as well, you can easily tag them in a comment. Also, if you made a video inspired by another creator, you can give them props in your description instead of having to post a link. This method, YouTube states, could also cut down on account impersonation. You will be able to identify a channel by its handle, and if you see a handle that is clearly fake, then you know not to click on any links they post.

Some people will have to wait to create their handles

If you’re an average Joe YouTuber with an average Joe subscriber count, then you may have to wait a bit to make your handle. As you can imagine, more notable YouTubers will have the opportunity to make their handles first. No one wants an impersonator or a troll to take a popular person’s YouTube account handle. So, in order to combat this, larger YouTube icons will be able to make theirs first. We’re not sure when you will be able to make your YouTube account handle, but you can just expect that the fewer subscribers you have, the more you will have to wait. When it’s time for you to make your handle, you will be notified by YouTube.